I mentioned in a previous post - Flynn of the Inland 2nd Edition, June 07 2024 - that I had found an early AIM (Australian Inland Mission) pamphlet stuffed in the front of that second edition, so I thought I'd reproduce it here. This is the front cover of the little bi-folded pamphlet.

Of interest here is the photo of an early plane of the A.I.M. Aerial Medical Service, forerunner of the RFDS, a DH 50 with call sign ending in R. I made some comments about this in another post - Letter from John Flynn to Idriess 1936 (May 27, 2024), noting that our $20 RFDS plane has its call sign ending in E - whereas Wikipedia, a NAA letter and this plane all end in R. The accompanying note with this photo suggests this may have been the first plane (used in the "Experimental Year"). On a personal note, the RFDS flew me from Newman, W.A., to Perth. Snakebite! Don't ask.
Q.A.T.B. is the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade.
Lord Stradbroke is the the Third Earl of Stradbroke (1862 - 1947), George Edward John Mowbray Rous, who was Governor of Victoria from 1921 - 1926.

This, the back cover of the pamphlet, gives a little background of the A.I.M. and its work and intentions - including the Aerial Medical Service and wireless transmission (the Alfred Traeger pedal machine - soon to be in action!). This pamphlet predated Flynn of the Inland as it is dated AD 1927: the Aerial service is to commence Easter 1928 at Cloncurry. Again, a personal note: I attended an A.I.M. church as a child in Kununurra, W.A.
The middle pages of the pamphlet are a map, which is basically the same as "The Inlander" Map of Australia 1928 reproduced on the back inside cover pages of Flynn of the Inland. This map adds - "Fitzroy Crossing and Innamincka - contracts let, but not completed." The only other difference as far as I can see is that the Flynn of the Inland map adds a red "AIM Nursing Home" star to Norseman. Map reproduced below.